Research on Image Expression and Text Aesthetics in Digital Media Age Based on Social Network

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Ge Houyu


With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, human society has entered the era
of digital media. The success of digital media makes image representation more and more popular. The
transformation of image culture caused by the huge historical thrust of the digital media revolution triggered the
cultural and economic transition of social symbol production, and turned image production into the cultural law of
material production and consumption. The development of social networks has improved the necessary technology
and platform support for information transmission, and sharing social images has become a common and popular
social behavior. Obviously, the internal reason is not only the fast, convenient and easy to edit characteristics of
digital technology and media. In this paper, from the perspective of cultural value in the artistic expression of new
visual images, the viewpoint of technical aesthetics and morphology is brought into the visual field of image
representation and text aesthetic research. On the basis of studying visual aesthetics, the aesthetic production of
visual cultural forms and images is expounded and demonstrated from the revolutionary development and change
of technology.

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How to Cite
Ge Houyu. (2021). Research on Image Expression and Text Aesthetics in Digital Media Age Based on Social Network. CONVERTER, 2021(6), 661-667. Retrieved from