Using Artificial Intelligence to Promote Student-Teacher Interaction Research in and out of Class

Main Article Content

Dai Yana, Liu Ran, Wang Ran


Teaching is an interactive process in which students and teachers actively participate. Teachers and students
interact, communicate, influence and complement each other, which is the essence of teaching. The classroom
atmosphere and the relationship between teachers and students largely determine the degree of students'
participation. Learning is not only the transfer and transmission of knowledge from outside to inside, but also the
process of learners actively constructing their own knowledge and experience, and students are not passive
information absorbers. The intelligent classroom constructed by artificial intelligence plays an important role in
cultivating the comprehensive quality of primary school students. Based on the construction of excellent courses of
artificial intelligence technology and application, this paper puts forward a mixed teaching strategy based on
multi-dimensional in and out of class interactive teaching method, so as to improve teaching effect and enhance
students' learning enthusiasm.

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How to Cite
Dai Yana, Liu Ran, Wang Ran. (2021). Using Artificial Intelligence to Promote Student-Teacher Interaction Research in and out of Class. CONVERTER, 2021(6), 765-771. Retrieved from