Study of Feasibility on Functional Replacement of Old Industrial Buildings

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Jie Qiu


With the industrial transformation and upgrading brought about by the rapid progress of scientific production technology in recent years, many old industrial districts and industrial buildings in urban areas have been discarded for the gradual lots of their original functions. . For those old industrial buildings mentioned above, the traditional way of reconstruction is not optimal. A series of transformations should be carried out on them instead, so that while protecting the city's historical relics, it stimulates the functional and aesthetic needs that conform to the dynamic rhythm in modern cities. For these old industrial buildings, the government can adopt the methods of reconstruction, expansion, and modification in order to transform, utilize and replace the original functions, which can achieve the transformation of economic value and the continuation of cultural value.

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How to Cite
Jie Qiu. (2021). Study of Feasibility on Functional Replacement of Old Industrial Buildings. CONVERTER, 2021(7), 101-106. Retrieved from