Research on the Digital Transformation of Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry in China Based on "C2M" Mode

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Ji Zhu, Jianye Liu


This paper studies the transformation and upgrading of sporting goods manufacturing industry in China, and discusses why the sporting goods manufacturing industry needs digital transformation from the perspective of "C2M" mode, and puts forward some suggestions on how to carry out the digital transformation of sporting goods manufacturing industry in China based on the "C2M" mode. Based on the "C2M" mode, four suggestions are put forward: first is to establish a platform to attract consumers and meet the personalized customization needs to face the gradual diversification of consumer needs; second is to build a flexible production chain and change the business management concept to face the gradual increase in the cost of production factors;  third is to accelerate the digital transformation of management and improve the level of management modernization to face the drawbacks brought by the industry from design to sales and circulation; fourth is to strengthen brand building and pursue market segmentation in order to face the situation that China's large-scale sporting goods manufacturing industry is facing high marketing expenses and the small and medium-sized sporting goods manufacturing industry does not pay attention to innovation.

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How to Cite
Jianye Liu, J. Z. (2021). Research on the Digital Transformation of Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry in China Based on "C2M" Mode. CONVERTER, 285 - 291.