Simulation Research on Participation Willingness of Industrial Company on Green Finance Policies based on Tripartite Game

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Liping Wang, Yuning Li, Chuang Li


The green finance policy is an important embodiment of the basic national policy of environmental protection in the financial system, and also an important guarantee for company to achieve green development. Based on the heterogeneous interest pursuit of the central state, local provinces and industrial companies, the article builds an evolutionary model of three game partners, analyzes the strategic choice of the stakeholders in the implementation process of the green finance policies, and simulates the dynamical track of evolution stability strategies of three partners. The results show that the management from the central state is very important to the implementation of the policy, and the supervision cost and punishment will also affect the final stability strategy; the policy incentive from the central state can effectively promote the enthusiasm of the local provinces to implement the green finance policies, but the implementation cost will seriously affect the willingness of the local government to help industrial companies; under the joint supervision effect of the central state, the local government’s policy incentives and the complete market mechanism, industrial companies will enhance their willingness to participate in green finance policies.

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How to Cite
Yuning Li, Chuang Li, L. W. (2021). Simulation Research on Participation Willingness of Industrial Company on Green Finance Policies based on Tripartite Game. CONVERTER, 561 - 578.