ISSN: 0010-8189Country: United Kingdom
Publisher: Faversham House Group Ltd.
Contact: subscription@converter-magazine.info
Converter plans to pull in unique exploration papers, short correspondences, audit articles and force hardware related instructive investigations. The extension covers applications and advances in the field of intensity hardware with extraordinary spotlight on financially savvy, proficient, power thick, ecological well disposed and hearty arrangements, which incorporates: Applications: Electric drives/generators, sustainable power source, mechanical and consumable applications (counting lighting, welding, warming, sub-ocean applications, boring and others), clinical and military device, utility applications, transport and space application, vitality gathering, media communications, vitality stockpiling the executives frameworks, home machines. Innovations: Circuits: all sort of converter geographies for low and high force applications including yet not restricted to: inverter, rectifier, dc/dc converter, power supplies, UPS, air conditioning/air conditioning converter, thunderous converter, high recurrence converter, cross breed converter, staggered converter, power factor remedy circuits and other propelled geographies. Segments and Materials: exchanging gadgets and their control, inductors, sensors, transformers, capacitors, resistors, warm administration, channels, wires and insurance components and other novel minimal effort productive parts/materials. Control: procedures for controlling, examining, demonstrating or potentially recreation of intensity hardware circuits and complete force gadgets frameworks. Configuration/Manufacturing/Testing: new multi-space displaying, amassing and bundling advances, propelled testing methods. Natural Impact: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) decrease procedures, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), constraining acoustic commotion and vibration, reusing methods, utilization of non-uncommon material. Training: showing strategies, program and course configuration, utilization of innovation in power gadgets instructing, virtual research facility and e-learning and fields inside the extent of premium.
Current Issue
Vol. 2021 No. 8
Published: 2021-09-30