Influences of Cross-Sea High-Voltage Transmission Lines on Navigational Aids

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Qinglong Hao, Jie Zhang, Xueyuan Zhu


With the development of high-voltage electric power industry and the construction of cross-sea transmission projects in coastal ports, the interference of cross-sea high-voltage transmission lines on the performance of ship navigation aids gains considerable attention.  The navigation safety control measures for ships crossing the waters of high-voltage transmission lines are proposed to study the navigational safety of the waters for the construction of high-voltage transmission lines across the sea. Conclusions with certain reliability are also drawn based on the analysis of the reasons and mechanisms of the interference phenomenon for the reference of maritime and scientific researchers. The images or signals of interference under the electromagnetic radiation from maritime shore-based radars, shipborne radars, shipborne VHF and GPS equipment through high-voltage transmission lines are obtained through on-site and actual ship testing.

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How to Cite
Xueyuan Zhu, Q. H. J. Z. (2021). Influences of Cross-Sea High-Voltage Transmission Lines on Navigational Aids. CONVERTER, 112-118.