Analysis on the Financing Dilemma and Countermeasures of China's Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in the Information Age

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Haiyang LI


Expand financing channels for small, medium and micro enterprises, reduce loan costs, solve financing data matching, and improve financing efficiency. Analyze P2P financing model, e-commerce microfinance financing model, and online crowdfunding model. To a certain extent, the problems of narrow financing channels, high costs, high risks, and difficulty in applying for small, medium and micro enterprises have been alleviated. Using the ever-changing Internet technology to innovate the "Internet +" financing model, overcome the financing difficulties caused by insufficient government attention, discrimination in bank target selection, and the relatively small size of the enterprise itself, expand financing channels, and improve financing efficiency, Enabling small, medium and micro enterprises to get out of the “embarrassed” situation in which development is hindered by financing difficulties.

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How to Cite
LI, H. . (2021). Analysis on the Financing Dilemma and Countermeasures of China’s Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in the Information Age. CONVERTER, 162-169.