Preliminary Study on the Brand Construction of Tropical Agriculture against the Background of We-media—A Case Study of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences

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Xiaojun Yuan, Huan Ouyang, Lifeng Lin


With the rapid development of electronic industry, "We-media + brand agriculture" model of development also gradually developed, and the tropical agriculture in our country belongs to the "niche" agriculture, awareness is low, in the since the "We-media + brand agriculture" development in our country, is still at a disadvantage, both faces enormous opportunities for development, at the same time to meet the challenge. Taking the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences as an example, this paper discusses the problems, opportunities and challenges in the brand construction and development of tropical agriculture under the background of "We-media", and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the brand development of tropical agriculture.

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How to Cite
Huan Ouyang, Lifeng Lin, X. Y. . (2021). Preliminary Study on the Brand Construction of Tropical Agriculture against the Background of We-media—A Case Study of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences. CONVERTER, 350-355.