A Study on the Design of Cizhou Kiln Ceramic Pillows in Song and Yuan Dynasties in China

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Yanghuan Long, Qiang Wang , Zhenwei Yu , Yu Guo, Xiangyu Liu, Mengjie Shi


Pillows are a kind of essential bedding in people's lives. Chinese people had a history of using pillows for more than 2000 years. Normally, pillows are made of cotton, silk or other soft materials, but in the Song and Yuan Dynasties which lasted more than 400 years, hard ceramic pillows became prevailing. It is not only a daily article, but also a kind of art that conveys rich cultural connotation and historical information. This study takes the
collection of 57 pieces of ceramic pillows produced in Hebei Cizhou kiln in the Song and Yuan Dynasties as the research object, conducts design analysis and qualitative research on the shape and decoration of ceramic pillows, and excavates the internal reasons why ceramic pillows were prevalent in this period. The study found that the popularity of ceramic pillows in Song and Yuan Dynasties was related to the warming of the climate, the change of
social class and the reasonable product design of ceramic pillows themselves. This research provides inspiration for contemporary designers to better inherit and innovate traditional designs.

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How to Cite
Yanghuan Long, Qiang Wang , Zhenwei Yu , Yu Guo, Xiangyu Liu, Mengjie Shi. (2021). A Study on the Design of Cizhou Kiln Ceramic Pillows in Song and Yuan Dynasties in China. CONVERTER, 2021(6), 185-194. Retrieved from https://converter-magazine.info/index.php/converter/article/view/384