Design and Implementation of Communication Control Terminal for Outdoor Intelligent Robot

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Wenyin T ao Feng An , Weilong Ding


With the development of society and technology, the working environment of intelligent robot has gradually
expanded from indoor environment to outdoor environment, and its communication mode has also expanded from
indoor LAN communication to outdoor Wan communication. Therefore, based on stm32f205rgt6 chip, this project
develops a communication control terminal which can give control instructions to intelligent robot and collect
state data th rough mobile communication network. At the same time, the communication control terminal realizes
the acquisition of global positioning and time synchronization data, which greatly improves the working range and
accuracy of intelligent robot, and the data throug h multi level cache the communication mechanism ensures the
integrity and reliability of the data, and provides a guarantee for the stable work of the intelligent robot.

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How to Cite
Wenyin T ao Feng An , Weilong Ding. (2021). Design and Implementation of Communication Control Terminal for Outdoor Intelligent Robot. CONVERTER, 2021(7), 793-807. Retrieved from